SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...
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SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...
SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...
  • SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...
  • SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...

SKY JUMP IN Ankle Anti Skid Grip Trampoline Park Socks - 翻译中...

The textured spots on the bottom of the socks - from above the ball of the foot and back to cover the entire heel area, to ensure a true no-slip grip on tile and hardwood floors. They keep your feet firmly planted on your mat.Stylish design on the instep and anti-skid frictions on the bottom, providing an absolutely effective anti-skid effect, perfect for Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Bikram, Ballet, Fitness, etc.

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